*English readers: please scroll down for the simple English version :)
最近剛使用 Colorful 卡樂芙優質染髮霜染出了我愛的亞麻綠的髮色之後,雖然髮色持久度已經比其他品牌好,最重要的工作就是持續護養這美麗的髮色與髮質了。護色洗髮精推薦要選酸性的,不含矽靈的喔。
左邊是 "卡樂芙雙蛋白水樣光感洗髮精" ; 右邊是 "卡樂芙胺基酸水漾光感精華素"。
我們在染髮時,因為染髮劑中含有鹼劑,pH值偏鹼,使得毛鱗片張開,以達到入色效果,所以需要使用 PH 4.5-5.5的 "酸性洗護產品",使毛鱗片回復密合。特別是染後兩周是護髮鎖色的關鍵時期,所以染後我都持續使用雙蛋白水漾光感洗髮精以及胺基酸水漾光感精華素,讓頭髮不僅擁有喜愛的髮色,同時做好修護保養維持好質感喔。
使用完洗髮精之後,可以接著用這罐 "卡樂芙胺基酸水漾光感精華素"。精華素裡面天然植物-小麥蛋白的胺基酸、維他命E、橄欖精華油,輕輕鬆鬆KO壞髮況,拯救秀髮,告別頭髮損傷困擾。
下面這張是染後三天拍的,這三天都只使用 "雙蛋白水樣光感洗髮精" 以及 "胺基酸水漾光感精華素" 洗髮與護髮,洗完之後我還是會上頭髮精華油,色彩維持度跟剛染完的時候一樣。
~本文與 Colorful 卡樂芙合作~
卡樂芙官網: http://colorful.mwf.com.tw/
Facebook 粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/maywufa
Simple English Version
Hair style is very important to girls. However, for me, I care more about hair quality. In order to keep my hair healthy, soft, and smooth, I use hair conditioner every time after shampooing plus hair oil before I blow dry my hair.
Our hair can be very fragile, especially after frequent dye or perm. Hair cuticle is the outermost layer of our hair shaft. The cuticle is the protective layer to protect the inner structure of our hair such as the medulla and cortex. During hair dye process, our hair cuticle was opened in order for the coloring pigments to enter, resulting fragile hair. By using shampoo products with lower pH value, can form the acid-base reaction which balance the base that hair dye products left on hair.
Colorful’s shampoo and conditioner focus on treatment for dry and tangled hair after dye. With more acidity, the shampoo balances the pH level of freshly dyed hair and reduces frizz and tangle. Moreover, it keeps the color within our hair to prolong the saturation of color.
The best thing about this sulfate-free shampoo is that it is highly foamable. With only a little amount, it is very easy to create lots of bubbles. After using, it makes our hair easily manageable and lefts our hair very soft and smelling fabulous.
In terms of color protecting, this set of shampoo and conditioner does a wonderful job. My hair color becomes brighter and smoother after a week of using the product.
Product Information:
Colorful Official Website: http://colorful.mwf.com.tw/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/maywufa
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